• Foucault on Panoptic and Carceral Society
• Panopticon
• Barthes and Wrestling (PDF)
Early History of Multimedia. Oral Tradition, Text, / Aristotle’s Poetics / Greek Amphitheater / Roman Circus Coliseum – Technology / 4th wall / Hagia Sophia / Middle Ages: Architecture and life Notre Dame / Religious vs. Pagan performance / Renaissance – Economics Medici / Gutenberg Print / 1492 // Baroque = America’s gold / Theatrum Mundi + Deus Ex Machina / Baroque Theater #2 / Control of Nature / Fibonacci Music / Baroque Samples
Cecilia Bartolli – Sacrificium // Ombra Mai Fu
Farinelli – Gérard Corbiau (Katy Perry / Die Antwoord ) Alessandro Moreschi / Tomotaka Okamoto #2 / Jaroussky #2 / BBC #2 / Vatel – Roland Joffé / Baroque fireworks in Dubai / Monteverdi’s Orpheo / / Linda Benglis – Fluorescence
CDs: Atys + Danse ~ #1 #2 by Jean-Baptiste Lully, William Christie, Les Arts Florissants / Médée, Charpentier, Les Arts Florissants
• Cornaro Chapel in Rome – Bernini
• Church of St Ignatius in Rome
• Baroquetheaters.com
• Krumlov Baroque Theater
Fixing the shadows (18:44)
Harvard: History of Photography Timeline
Photo 2
The speed of Photography through the ages
leisure diving : pictorial Vs vernacular
youtube documentary VLOGGERS!
Alternative Photography + Processes
Wayang Kulit • video / Dührer / Camera Obscura: Abelardo Morell + Petapixel / Daguerre #1 #2 / Muybridge / Etienne Jules Marey / Edison Kinetoscope / Lumière / Méliès: Trip to the Moon + HUGO Martin Scorsese / Pierre et Gilles / Balla: dog //
Evolution of film in the 20th century
BW -> Animation -> Sound -> Color -> Stereoscopy -> big format -> Morton Heilig #1 #2 Sensorama
From the battery to the microchip / train -> pony express -> telegraph -> telephone -> civil band -> radio -> mechanical tv -> television -> magnetic recording / video tape + CD + DVD -> cable <-> satellite
Lead Type , Abacus / Kipus / Encryption / Rosetta stone / Torah , Talmud, Kabalah / Automaton #1 Jaquet Croz / Napoleon’s semaphore telegraph / Morse code / binary conversion / vacuum tubes / ENIAC / the women behind ENIAC / transistors / chips / evolution of computers into networked environments GUI / Arpanet / Internet Dial up sound / Computing environments / Video Games / Bell Labs
Chuck Csuri , Lillian Schwartz , Robert Whitman , Laurie Spiegel Music Mouse + East River Dawn / Apple 1984 / Apple Blue Busters Commercial
RTTY Art Historical Archives
ASCII table (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
Ascii and HTML | ASCII art (http://www.chris.com/ascii)
ASCII ANIMATION: http://www.asciimation.co.nz/
EMOJIS: w3schools.com/charsets/ref_emoji.asp
History of Computers
History of the Internet, Internet for Historians
Personal computer milestones / Dial up sound
• Doug C. Engelbart demo of all demos 12/9/1968– The Atlantic Article
HTML naming conventions
History of Computing Science by Michelle A. Hoyle
Computer pioneers
PC evolution
Computer History Museum
Computer History Timeline
Colossus: History / Celebration / Turing
Triumph of the Nerds (1,2, 3 Playlist)
Physicists take big step in race to Quantum Computing
Google Mission
Our company mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. That’s why Search makes it easy to discover a broad range of information from a wide variety of sources.
Electronic+Digital+Interactive Media / HIGHLIKE.ORG / newmediaart.eu
HYPERCARD History #2 , The Manhole 87 , Myst 93
DIRECTOR: History , John Thompson ‘s Lingo, Puppet Motel – Laurie Anderson, Eve – Peter Gabriel, Bill Seaman
FLASH History , Flash Vs. Apple , LowMorale Creep , SE Sida , World
PHYSICAL COMPUTING ITP – History , Dan O’Sullivan , Tom Igoe , Danny Rozin , Danny Shiffman , Cynthia Lawson Jaramillo , Daniel Wurtzel Examples: stair keyboard , Cloud 6K bulbs , Floating Orchestra , Dancing Plastic , Robotic Spider Dress ,
CREATIVE CODE: PBS / Processing / Arduino / openframeworks gallery / Cinder / FITC / OpenGL / WebGL, Magic Dust / Code bending Super Mario / Subliminal images in music
OPEN SOURCE Machine Project LA / Linux , Ubuntu , Debian , Blood printer , Android phone choir ,
RASPBERRY PI Pure Data #1 #2 #3 Ex , Magic Wand DoReMi , OTTO Hackable camera
New Sound of Music Concrete creation
EXHIBITION SPACES ZKM / Ars Electronica , Deep Space Cave , Youtube account / Kinetica Museum + Art Fair / ISEA site conference / Siggraph site – Altered Books / FILE Brazil site • LIKE ON FACEBOOK / Sigradi site / MyGO site / Platine 10 11 / Victoria & Albert Museum DECODE / VIMEO GROUP / Walker Art Center / Klaus Gallery / NETESCOPIO
MIT senseable city , ACT
DATA VISUALIZATION Nyte , Madrid traffic , Fernanda Viégas & Martin Wattenberg , Yoichiro Kawaguchi real time – anim , Mark Stock , flowingdata.com , UCSD Rothko Data Visualization , republicofletters.stanford.edu , Cymatic Frequencies Video , Refik Anadol (large scale data based animations)
GPS Teri Rueb
DIGITAL STORYTELLING IN PHYSICAL WORLD The Cosmopolitan • Josh Walton / Random International • Rain Room , #2 • Video
NEW SCREENS Ultra HD TV, Holographic TV , RadioHead House of Cards, Golan Levin Interview , Condition ONE Mobile iPad , Laser 3D , MIT 3D interface , Moran Cerf , Spaxels: drones painting with light at Ars Electronica , 3D sculpture + strobe light , Japan Pavilion Milan 2015 Harmony #1 Diversity #2 , Eric Dyer’s Zoetropes
BIO ART María Fernanda Cardoso , Eduardo Kac , Natalie Jeremijenko , Christina Nguyen Hung , Gunther von Hagens #2 // DNA and Alternative Computing / Glowing trees
ARCHITECTURAL ART Jorge Orta , Rafael Lozano-Hemmer , Vous êtes ici , Sea Serpent Japan , LichtFestival 12
SUR-SOUSVEILLANCE Steve Mann Sousveillance EyeTap
TOUCH – HAPTICS Wired Article , Tocattatouch , Starry Night , Tangible Media (MIT) ,
INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE PIXEL Adrien Mondot and Claire Bardainne , Klaus Obermeier , Gideon Obarzaneks – Chunky Moves #2 / Enra: Pleiades / Light Bending Dance / Daito Manabe /
CAMERA+KINECT Guide to cameras for interactivity , Point Cloud , Clouds Code , Aphex Twin , Catalina Moullinex Music Video , Echeverry’s Cabaret, Cell , Polycode , Kevin Atkinson , 3D Avatar , Conceptual Window display , Static Balance / Golan Levin #1 #2 #3 TED TED2 3D / Yunsil Heo & Hyunwoo Bang / Screens anywhere / Intel Perceptual Computing Showcase / Blackout VR Documentary with Kinect and XTC Vive /
LEAP MOTION demo + site // Futuristic gadgets – Wired 14 //
HYPERREALITY Immersive VR Storytelling TheVoid.com / Video 1 / Ghostbusters / Star Wars /
ROBOTICS Automaton Carneggie Mellon Androids David Hanson #2 Hiroshi Ishigawa Gemenoid Telenoid Hugvies
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial Intelligence QBo self recognition , Meet Baxter ( full automation questions ) , Mylène Farmer’s robots , Androids in Genius Fair , SPOT Boston Dynamics ,
ALGORITHMS #1 // QUANTUM Animation //
GLITCH ART verve , Evan Meaney ,
NEXT Human enhancement – Kevin Warwick iCyborg / Neil Harbisson – color cyborg / Ridley Scott Prometheus David TED 2023 / Sight // Immortality
LINKS rhizome.org / Saatchi Gallery / Tate / Brand Perfect / Wilson Miner